Resources for Community-Based Research
We have chosen to share these documents as resources for those interested in community-based research. We hope they may be useful to you and your projects. Please make sure to appropriately reference "The CHIWOS Research Team" when sharing and using the information in these documents.
General CHIWOS Documents
Policies and Guidelines
Data Requests
Questionnaire Development
PRA Training Materials
We have chosen to share the CHIWOS PRA Training Manual in its entirety so that others may benefit from this work. We ask that you cite the manual using the suggested citation below. If you would like to use large parts of this manual, we would appreciate being notified so that we know where the work has been useful.
More than 35 CHIWOS PRAs across Canada completed and contributed to this training. Potential users of this training manual are encouraged to involve CHIWOS PRAs in the process of planning and/or delivering their training. Please contact your regional CHIWOS coordinator so that we can be of further assistance.
Suggested Citation: CHIWOS PRA Training Working Group (2013). CHIWOS Peer Research Associate Training Manual: English Quebec Version. Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS): Toronto, Canada. Available online: Date:
PRA Training: Facilitators' Handbook
CHIWOS Peer Research Associate Training Manual
Wave 1
Wave 1 Survey Questions (PDF)
Wave 2
Wave 2 Survey Questions (PDF)
Wave 3
Wave 3 Survey Questions (PDF)
Steering Committee Meetings
Slides for 2016 Steering Committee Meeting
Slides for 2017 Steering Committee Meeting
Slides for 2019 Steering Committee Meeting
Additional Links
​Women and HIV
​Jacqueline Gahagan & the Gathering of Spirits Collective: National Consensus Statement on Women, Trans People and Girls and HIV Research in Canada (PDF)
Community-based research and HIV
UNAIDS: GIPA Principle (PDF)​
PAN: CBR resources
The Wellesley Institute: Community-Based Research
McGill University: Participatory Research at McGill (PRAM)
Social determinants of health (SDOH)
​WHO: Social Determinants of Health​